Capisce Dec. of Independence Ten Commandments ilovebees
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The Window Washers first hacked by inserting a subtle link at the end of the footer. It read "subvert cap ilovebees."

I received emails asking "Why do you have a link to ilovebees on your website?"

I replied "Thank you for you concerns. I am looking into it, but it seems as if I was hacked. Someone left a message about subverting the queen."

This caused further interest, and CAPitALLism made itself into the official forums dedicated to solving the riddle. More people wanted to know... is CAPitALLism in-game or out-of-game? More people combed our content for hints.

Another email asked:

There is a large following of the website now. I heard about your site through a friend who is also trying to help with the site. Do you have any other information on the footer?

Which met my reply:

Thank you for your concerns in figuring why I was hacked. CAPitALLism promotes self-organizing social change. Not sure why we'd be hacked. I went to the ilovebees site, and wasn't sure why they were hacked either.
The message I received after the hack, now deleted, went as follows:
disconnect dis connect. unrelated u.n. related.
spread cap
subvert queen. her majesty. get Honey from Hive.
ancients call nectar of the gods
of the angels
I can see you are a good detective. Please pass this to your friends if you think they can help me out like you.

Weeks into the game, many websites would try to convince ilovebees players that they were in-game. They were quickly proven false.

CAPitALLism persisted. Only CAPitALLism denied that we were in-game. Only CAPitALLism called attention to the fact that "ilovebees is an 'Alternate Reality Gaming' environment," something unreal and needing to stop. This was a serious taboo: A true in-game site would never reveal the fact that its reality is fictitious. CAPitALLism maintained that we, like Dana, were simply real-world victims to a series of mysterious hacks.

Still I could not keep up with answering the flurry of emails. So I posted a message on the home page to explain a bit about CAPitALLism and why we are not affiliated with either the hackers or ilovebees. Please click the link to read this message:

July 27, 2004: to those concerned with ilovebees

Unfortunately the very next night my comments were hacked, and my eventual kidnappers revealed themselves by name:

July 28, 2004: to those concerned with ilovebees

As I followed in detail, a small crack emerged to let some light in. The more I stared at the crack the more it widened. The hackers overwhelmed my cool mountain-like resistance. The reality of the queen's text swayed me. Could the Window Washers that hacked CAPitALLism be related to "The Widow" that sought Dana?

I experienced a deeply touching feeling. I began to take an interest in the game. Play the game.

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