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Capitallism does not seek to install yet another political ideology, but instead seeks to free ideologies from gaining power. In turn it can be embraced by socialists, democrats, compassionate conservatives, whoever recognizes its value toward reshaping the structure of general welfare. Life can take other routes besides mega-institutional ubiquity.

Strength in numbers and military might are other means for special interests to accumulate effective power over others (though even a cursory study will find wealth connected to the more influential instances). Capitallism does not pretend that anything can be The Answer For Everything; it is a needed and effective advancement whose pros highly outweigh the cons. It makes the obvious obvious. It is not a revolution: It is the next practical step, and one that we can start to enjoy now.

War and revolution are manifestations of psychic epidemics. Through cognitive dissonance, our consciousness constructs a world in which everything is explained into perfect, crystalline place. This construction is an illusion, for at any moment there may strike a new madness to sweep us all away. Close introspection and desire to eliminate this madness will mitigate its effects, but our current climate deemphasizes and distracts from such personal development. In the meantime, all that do follow the path for self-improvement watch as powerful movements gather to send us reeling down another insanity. Unless humanity reaches some utopic state of perfection where all personalities are actualized, then steps must be taken to stop this madness from taking control. Capitallism is that step. It is simple, and it veins through the heart.

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