It requires a stretch of the imagination to find in humanitarian teachings the belief that greed and
power are virtues leading to the betterment of oneself, and so much better that these virtues should
form the basis of a societal system. Yet somehow this is the condition in which we have found
ourselves. It is argued that this kind of system is "nature," "the human condition," or "the
real world."
Despite endless wishing and wanting, the concept of "ceiling" emerges as one climbs the
ladder to carve out a life. For the hopefuls living under the ceiling, different priorities manifest:
Food, social commitments, working out of debt towards a goal, aging health, trying to keep
dependencies afloat and happy. Every now and then arrives a special paycheck. A chance to be
elsewhere. The spark returns and, wanting more, anxiety returns. Everyday reporters surround
with tales of those who sparkle on top, having entered the Pallas Athena, drinking nectar in its
pure form.
The fact that extreme incomes are tantalizingly unavailable except for the highest class
echelons is not fully discussed in the media blitz. Many find it absurdly schizophrenic that
advertised still is the hope--that carrot on a stick--whispering to all in the land of opportunity
that everyone--no matter their race, gender, or creed--has the upward mobility chance to
become Bill Gates... thoughts snuggled in rosy, Prozac metaphors to help scrape through the day.
What is the glass ceiling? It is the cap which can been seen through, appearing as if a
ceiling does not exist at all.
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