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Free market capitalism utilizes the positive connotations of freedom and its unhindered power of becoming anything, creating the world in its own "free" image. It does not let the interests of government or society challenge it, but instead transforms these groups to agree along the lines of its code. Thou government shall not protect little fish from big fish; thy shall be laissez-faire. Thou societal celebrations and functions shall not exist without market presence, for that creates barriers to trade.

Years pass. Voices are lost in the media haze, especially voices challenging those who fund the media haze. Embarrassing news is suppressed. A complacent acceptance of Things As They Are emerges, and a good portion of our lives is given over to values that keep the machinery moving, losing desire and opportunity to freely explore our own potentiality.

Personalities transform into the collective identity of the current machinery. The predominant machinery of today is characterized with an emphasis upon fiscal opportunity. After all, it makes practical sense to follow responsible business practices. It slowly enters the heart’s priority, and practical sense practically dominates. Talk is of investing from birth, avoiding habits that do not increase one’s financial capability, socially engaging with mannerisms denying disagreeable ramifications, and cultivating a mind that could not even think outside of status quo political correctness. Lower income brackets may find in this an unrealistic correspondence. Whether or not one lives up to the consumer identity does not change the fact that the identity exists and enjoys a kind of privilege.

Capitalism is not the only means for economic markets to function, but it is the one that is winning. It stops at nothing to keep from spreading, for the goal of capitalism is self-defined: The accumulation of capital. Capitalism both satisfies needs and creates artificial needs for consumption. The worker is the means to the end; depleted in a world where the day is spent winding up and down from work, and the evening consuming in spaces created by markets. Time is lost. Time is the root of human development. Those without time become beasts of burden, streamlined into market races who ideally exist entirely in ways propagating the growth of capital, which is precisely the goal of capitalism.

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